The Board of Directors meets at least four times a year, convened by its Chairman. It may also meet at the request of the Minister for Employment, the Managing Director of the Agency or half of its members.
The agenda for each meeting is drawn up by the Chairman on a proposal from the Director General. Any issue whose inclusion has been requested by the Minister for Labour or by at least six members of the Board of Directors is placed on the agenda.
The members of the Board of Directors mentioned in I of article R. 4642-3 each have one vote. Each member of the Board of Directors may give a proxy to another member of the Board of Directors to represent him. No person may hold more than one of these proxies.
The Board of Directors may only validly deliberate if at least half of its members are present. If the quorum is not reached, the Board is convened on the same agenda within the following fifteen days at the latest. It shall then deliberate validly, regardless of the number of members present.
Resolutions of the Board of Directors are passed by a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.
In urgent cases, the decisions of the Board of Directors may be adopted in accordance with the procedures set out inOrder no. 2014-1329 of 6 November 2014 on remote decision-making by collegiate administrative bodies.
The decisions of the Board of Directors are enforceable within a period of one month following their transmission to the Minister in charge of labour, provided that the latter has not made known his reasoned opposition. Decisions relating to the Agency’s budget and amendments thereto, the financial account, the allocation of profits, the employment table, loans, acquisitions, disposals, exchanges of property, leases and rentals, participation in a public interest grouping or any other body, the agreements referred to in 9° of article R. 4642-4, as well as the agreements and the annual budgetary and financial summary mentioned in the penultimate paragraph of this article, are also sent to the Minister responsible for the budget, who may, within the same time limit, make known his reasoned opposition. The one-month period is suspended until the additional information or documents requested, where applicable, by these ministers have been produced.
The minutes of each meeting, signed by the Chairman, are approved at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
The duties of a member of the Board of Directors are performed free of charge. They give rise to entitlement to compensation for travel and subsistence expenses under the conditions laid down by decree no. 2006-781 of 3 July 2006 setting the conditions and procedures for payment of expenses incurred by temporary travel by civil servants of the French State.