The Managing Director is appointed for a renewable term of three years by order of the Minister for Employment.
He is responsible for the general management of the establishment.
He performs all acts that are not reserved to the Board of Directors in application of article R. 4642-4.
He prepares the deliberations of the Board of Directors and ensures that they are carried out.
It proposes the establishment’s strategic guidelines, work programme and activity report to the Board of Directors.
It is responsible for the operation of the school’s departments. It has authority over all staff.
It is the chief authorising officer for expenditure and revenue. He may appoint secondary authorising officers from among the Regional Directors mentioned in article R. 4642-2.
He may decide to set up imprest accounts with the approval of the Accounting Officer of the Regional Directors mentioned in article R. 4642-2, in compliance with the provisions applicable to the imprest accounts of public bodies.
He oversees the regional departments mentioned in article R. 4642-2, in compliance with the powers exercised by the regional joint body mentioned in the same article.
He represents the establishment in court and in all civil acts and in its dealings with third parties. On behalf of the institution, he enters into contracts, markets and agreements, as well as purchases, sales and transactions, subject to the powers conferred on the Board of Directors by article R. 4642-4.
He is assisted by a secretary-general, who replaces him if he is absent or unable to attend. He may delegate his signature to staff under his authority.