I.-The Scientific Advisory Board comprises :
1° Eight members, with voting rights, appointed on the proposal of the Managing Director of the Agency, chosen from among competent and recognised figures in the Agency’s field of activity:
a) Six prominent figures from the world of research in the humanities, economics and social sciences ;
b) Two leading figures with expertise in the organisation of work in companies;
2° Five members, in an advisory capacity, representing bodies or administrations involved in the Agency’s field of competence:
a) The Director of Research, Studies and Statistics at the Ministry of Labour or his representative;
b) The Director of the Centre d’études et de recherches sur les qualifications or his representative;
c) The Director General of the Institut national de recherche et de sécurité pour la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles or his representative;
d) The Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail or his representative;
e) The Director of the Dublin Foundation or his representative.
II – The members of the Scientific Council are appointed for a renewable term of three years by order of the Minister for Employment.
In the event of a seat becoming vacant due to the permanent inability of its holder or the loss by a member of the capacity in which he/she was appointed, a new member shall be appointed in accordance with the conditions set out in this article. The term of office of this member expires at the same time as the term of office of the member being replaced.
The Scientific Advisory Board elects its chairman for a three-year term from among the members mentioned in 1° of I. The chairman may be re-elected.
The Managing Director or his representative attends meetings of the Scientific Advisory Board in an advisory capacity.
The Scientific Advisory Board may call on the assistance of any member of staff it chooses.
III – The Scientific Council is responsible for
1° Giving an opinion on the guidelines and on the draft work programme prior to the deliberations of the Board of Directors provided for in article R. 4642-4 ;
2° Contributing to the monitoring and evaluation of the Agency’s activities;
3° Assisting the Agency in its task of anticipating changes in working conditions;
4° To assist the Agency in the development of projects.
In addition, the Scientific Advisory Board shall give an opinion, at the request of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive or on its own initiative, on any scientific or technical matter falling within the Agency’s field of competence.
IV – The Scientific Advisory Board is convened by its Chairman, at the request of the Chief Executive Officer, at the request of the Board of Directors or on the initiative of at least one third of its members. It meets at least twice a year.
Membership of the Scientific Advisory Board is free of charge. They are entitled to travel and subsistence allowances under the conditions set out in article R. 4642-5.