The Organisme Professionnel de Prévention du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics comprises a national committee which, through its deliberations, regulates the affairs of the body.
To this end, the council of the national committee:
1° Determines the body’s guidelines, sets the annual programme and adopts the activity report, in accordance with the general policy for prevention and improvement of working conditions defined by the minister responsible for work and in consultation with the bodies responsible for health and safety and improvement of working conditions;
2° Leads, coordinates and monitors the action of the regional prevention committees provided for in article R. 4643-19;
3° Approves the budget;
4° Approves the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts for the financial year;
5° Authorises acquisitions and sales of real estate and loans. The National Committee may delegate this power to the Executive Committee;
6° Decide on the general conditions of recruitment, employment and remuneration of staff;
7° Appoint the General Secretary;
8° Draw up standard internal regulations for the National Committee and the Regional Prevention Committees.