The following natural persons may be members of the regional caisses de crédit maritime mutuel or unions pursuant to 1° of article L. 512-74 :
1° Fishermen who practise sea fishing as their main professional activity ;
2° Former seafarers who have practised sea fishing as their main occupation for at least five years, or who have ceased to do so due to physical incapacity, or who are pensioners of the general provident fund for French seafarers;
3° Other persons who, on a principal basis, carry out by themselves the operations and activities mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 512-68, and in particular concessionaires of fishing establishments on the public maritime domain and persons practising marine cultivation, as well as persons who, due to physical incapacity, have ceased to exercise such a profession;
4° Ascendants, widows and, until the youngest reaches the age of majority, orphans of the above-mentioned persons.