The Departmental Directorate for Employment, Labour and Solidarity sends the structure concerned the list of persons declared eligible for the check and the supporting documents requested using the teleservice mentioned in article R. 5132-1-19. The structure has six weeks to respond.
If the information requested is not provided within the time limit referred to in the previous paragraph or if the supporting documents sent are not of a nature to establish compliance with the requirements referred to in 1° and 2° of article R. 5132-1-12, the administrative authority will notify the structure of the shortcomings observed and the measures envisaged by any means that confers a date certain on receipt of this information.
On receipt of this notification, the organisation has a period of six weeks in which to submit the supporting documents requested or to present its observations in accordance with the procedures laid down inarticle L. 122-1 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.