I.-A person’s eligibility for a pathway is assessed on the basis of their social and professional difficulties and their need for enhanced support.
II.A person may be declared eligible by a structure for integration through economic activity if they meet one of the following criteria:
1° Be in receipt of the specific solidarity allowance mentioned in article L. 5423-1, the active solidarity income mentioned inarticle L. 262-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles or the allocation aux adultes handicapés mentioned in article L. 244-1 of the same code;
2° Have been unemployed for twenty-four months or more.
III -A person may also be declared eligible by a structure for integration through economic activity if they meet several criteria defined according to :
1° Their situation with regard to access to employment;
2° Their level of qualification;
3° Their age;
4° Their disability situation;
5° Their family situation;
6° Their accommodation situation;
7° Their legal situation;
8° Their eligibility for other public policy measures.
An order by the Minister for Employment specifies the criteria mentioned in this III, the number of criteria required per category of structure for integration through economic activity, the list of supporting documents used to certify compliance with the criteria mentioned in II and III and the conditions for their validity.
The supporting documents are kept by the structure for integration through economic activity for a period of twenty-four months from the date on which the person’s eligibility is declared.