Notwithstanding article R. 5132-1-2, the validity of the pathway prescription may be extended beyond twenty-four months:
1° By the structure for integration through economic activity:
a) Where it has entered into an open-ended employment contract with a person aged at least fifty-seven who is experiencing particular social and professional difficulties, until the contract is terminated on its own initiative or that of the employee;
b) Where it employs a person on a pathway who is completing a vocational training action in progress at the end of the pathway, at the latest until the end of the action concerned;
2° By one of the prescribers mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 5132-3, at the request of the structure for integration through economic activity which employs the person or wishes to employ him/her, after examining, in conjunction with the structure, his/her situation with regard to employment, the support and training actions carried out during the initial duration of the pathway and the actions envisaged for the continuation of this pathway:
a) When an employee aged fifty or over encounters particular difficulties which prevent him/her from being permanently integrated into employment, up to a limit of eighty-four months;
b) When a person recognised as a disabled worker encounters particular difficulties which prevent him/her from being permanently integrated into employment, up to a limit of sixty months;
c) Exceptionally, in the case of workshops and work camps and intermediary associations, when an employee encounters particularly serious difficulties, the absence of which would prevent him/her from finding employment, by successive decisions of no more than one year and up to a maximum of sixty months.
Any refusal by a prescriber to extend the programme must be justified in writing and notified to the structure and the person concerned, by any means that provides a date certain for receipt of the notification.
The extension is declared using the teleservice mentioned in article R. 5132-1-19, by the structure in the cases mentioned in 1°, and by the prescriber in the cases mentioned in 2°.