It is forbidden to prescribe and dispense substances classified as narcotics when they are not contained in a pharmaceutical speciality or preparation.
In addition to the information provided for in articles R. 5132-3 and R. 5132-4 or, for veterinary medicinal products, in I of article R. 5141-111, the author of a prescription containing a prescription for medicinal products classified as narcotics or subject to narcotics regulations, must indicate in full the number of therapeutic units per dose, the number of doses and the strength in the case of specialities, the doses or concentrations of substances and the number of units or volume in the case of preparations. When the prescription is made with a view to a scheduled operation requiring the use of substances classified as narcotics, the author must indicate the date, as well as the expected date of discharge from the health establishment. In order to inform the patient, he also indicates the period referred to in article R. 5132-33 during which the pharmacist is authorised to dispense these medicinal products.