Article R5132-27 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of articles R. 5132-74 to R. 5132-83 are applicable to the medicinal products mentioned in article R. 5132-1 and classified as narcotics.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part five: Health products | Book I: Pharmaceutical products | Title III: Other regulated pharmaceutical products and substances | Chapter II: Poisonous substances and preparations | Section 1: Medicinal products in lists I and II, narcotic and psychotropic medicinal products, and substances used in the preparation of medicinal products | Subsection 3: Special regime for narcotics
The provisions of articles R. 5132-74 to R. 5132-83 are applicable to the medicinal products mentioned in article R. 5132-1 and classified as narcotics.
It is forbidden to prescribe and dispense substances classified as narcotics when they are not contained in a pharmaceutical speciality or preparation. In addition to the information provided for in articles R. 5132-3 and R. 5132-4 or, for veterinary medicinal products, in I of article R. 5141-111, the author of a prescription containing a prescription for medicinal products classified as narcotics or subject to narcotics regulations, must indicate in full…
It is forbidden to prescribe medicines classified as narcotics or subject to narcotics regulations for treatment lasting more than twenty-eight days. This period may be reduced for certain designated medicinal products by decision of the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé. Fractional dispensing of a medicinal product classified as a narcotic or subject to narcotic regulations may be decided by decision…
Doctors, dental surgeons, midwives and veterinary surgeons may only have medicines classified as narcotics issued and held for their professional use up to the limit of a provision for urgent care. This provision is determined, after consultation with the Director General of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé, by order of the Minister for Health. This provision is constituted and replenished by orders for…
The order forms referred to in article R. 5132-31 are kept and filed by dispensing pharmacists under the same conditions as prescriptions for narcotics.
A prescription containing a prescription for medicinal products classified as narcotics or subject to narcotics regulations may only be filled in its entirety or for the entire portion of the treatment if it is presented to the pharmacist within three days of the date on which it was issued. When the medicinal products mentioned in the previous paragraph are prescribed with a view to a scheduled operation, the prescription may…
A copy of any prescription containing a prescription for one or more medicinal products classified as narcotics or subject to narcotics regulations, bearing the particulars provided for in article R. 5132-13, is kept for three years by the pharmacist or veterinarian. In the case of proprietary medicinal products, the quantities dispensed are expressed in units of administration. These copies must be presented at the request of any supervisory authority. Without…
All entries and withdrawals of substances and medicinal products classified as narcotics are recorded by the persons mentioned in article R. 5132-76 in a register or recorded by a specific computer system meeting the following conditions: a) It must not be possible to modify the data once it has been validated; b) It must be possible to print out the information provided for in this article immediately at the request…
The pharmacist who sells his pharmacy or the veterinarian who sells his place of business must, in the presence of the purchaser, make an inventory of the substances, preparations or medicines classified as narcotics. This inventory is recorded in the special register of narcotics or in the computer records and, in the latter case, appended to the editions of the records and countersigned by the parties concerned. The transferor shall…
Containers or packaging containing medicinal products covered by the narcotics regulations and not packaged for the public must bear a label of a size appropriate to their volume, affixed in such a way that it cannot be accidentally detached. This label bears the following information in clear, indelible black lettering: 1° The name of the contents ; 2° The gross mass and tare weight corresponding to the packaging used; 3°…
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