The pharmacist who sells his pharmacy or the veterinarian who sells his place of business must, in the presence of the purchaser, make an inventory of the substances, preparations or medicines classified as narcotics. This inventory is recorded in the special register of narcotics or in the computer records and, in the latter case, appended to the editions of the records and countersigned by the parties concerned.
The transferor shall hand over the register of narcotics or the recordings and, in the latter case, the editions of the recordings and the documents to be kept pursuant to articles R. 5132-32, R. 5132-35 and R. 5132-36 to the purchaser, who shall give him a discharge.
In the event of the permanent closure of the dispensary or the veterinarian’s place of practice, this register or the records and, in this second case, the editions of the records and these documents are deposited with the regional health agency or, where appropriate, the departmental veterinary services directorate.
When the pharmacy or the veterinary surgeon’s home is permanently closed, the pharmacist holding the pharmacy or the veterinary surgeon destroys the substances or preparations, as well as the medicinal products classified as narcotics under the conditions set out in article R. 5132-36.