The list of supporting documents required to establish entitlement to the premium and to prove that the person has effectively resumed work is set by order of the ministers responsible for social action and employment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter III: Back-to-work bonus | Section 1: Back-to-work bonus | Article R5133-2 of the French Labour Code
The list of supporting documents required to establish entitlement to the premium and to prove that the person has effectively resumed work is set by order of the ministers responsible for social action and employment.
La liste des justificatifs exigés pour l’ouverture du droit à la prime et attestant l’effectivité de la reprise d’activité est fixée par arrêté des ministres chargés de l’action sociale et de l’emploi.
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