The following are eligible for exemption from contributions and entitlement to benefits under Articles L. 161-1-1 and L. 161-24 of the Social Security Code:
1° Persons deprived of employment receiving the unemployment insurance allowance referred to in article L. 5422-1 and the specific solidarity allowance referred to in article L. 5423-1 ;
2° People who meet the conditions for receiving the insurance allowance or the allowance provided for in the event of a redeployment agreement under article L. 1233-65;
3° Recipients of the “revenu de solidarité active” benefit or their spouse or partner as well as recipients of the benefit provided for in article L. 524-1 of the Social Security Code;
4° Unemployed jobseekers who have been registered for more than six months during the last eighteen months and who do not belong to the categories mentioned in 2° and 3 ;
5° The persons mentioned in 4° to 9° of Article L. 5141-1 ;
6° The persons mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 5141-2.