A disabled worker who leaves an assisted-labour establishment or service to return to the mainstream workplace must, without further decision from the Commission des droits et de l’autonomie des personnes handicapées, benefit from the reinforced employment pathway referred to in article L. 5213-2.
To this end, he or she will receive support from his or her original work assistance establishment or service, organised as part of the support agreement signed between this establishment or service and the employer, and possibly a social support service, in application of the first paragraph of article L. 344-2-5 of the Social Action and Family Code.
The work-based support establishment or service carries out this monitoring in conjunction with the departmental platform responsible for the supported employment scheme referred to in article L. 5213-2-1.
On expiry of the support agreement referred to in the second paragraph, the disabled worker’s support is provided by the departmental supported employment platform, by decision of the Commission for the Rights and Independence of Disabled People or by prescription of the bodies designated in articles L. 5214-3-1, L. 5312-1 and L. 5314-1 of the Labour Code.
If the employment contract is terminated or if the disabled worker is not definitively recruited at the end of the contract, the disabled worker is reintegrated as of right, in application ofarticle L. 344-2-5 of the Code de l’Action Sociale et des Familles (Social Action and Family Code), the disabled worker is automatically reintegrated into his or her original work assistance establishment or service or, failing that, into another work assistance establishment or service with which an agreement has been reached to this effect, for the duration of the validity of the decision of the Commission des Droits et de l’Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées (Commission for the Rights and Independence of Disabled Persons) referring him or her to a work assistance establishment or service or of the support agreement.