The regional prefect, taking into account the economic and social needs and existing supply in the region, may enter into a multi-year contract of objectives and resources with a structure presenting a viable economic and social project for the employment of disabled workers, or prisoners recognised as disabled workers who have signed the prison employment contract referred to inarticle L. 412-3 of the Prison Code, which constitutes approval as an adapted enterprise in the region in which it is located.
When an adapted enterprise is located in more than one region and applies for approval, its application is sent to the prefect of the region in which it has its head office. The prefect of the region in which the head office is located coordinates the examination of the application with the other regional prefects concerned, who forward their opinions to the prefect. The Prefect of the region in which the head office is located notifies the decision. The contract is concluded between the company and the Prefect of the region in which each establishment is located.