The categories of personal data processed in the information system are:
1° Concerning jobseekers and employees:
a) Identification data : registration number in the national register for the identification of natural persons (NIR), surnames, forenames, gender, date and place of birth, address, tax address, nationality, photograph of the person, physical characteristics for models and performers, internal Pôle emploi identification numbers, social protection scheme, AGDREF2 registration number, expiry date and regulatory reference of the residence permit, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses;
b) Data relating to personal life: family situation, number of dependent children;
c) Data relating to professional life: training, qualifications, professional experience, periods of work, periods and reasons for registration on the jobseekers’ list, characteristics of jobs sought, curriculum vitae corresponding to the model downloadable from the Pôle emploi teleservice under 2° of article R. 5312-39, personalised project for access to employment, monitoring of actions carried out with the jobseeker or employee, information on contacts and relations between the jobseeker or employee and Pôle emploi, periods of unavailability for jobseeking, recognition of the status of disabled worker;
d) Economic and financial data: bank details, income, benefits or assistance paid by Pôle emploi, periods of receipt of invalidity or old-age pensions, daily social security allowances, parental allowances linked to a suspension of professional activity or any other allowances or social benefits, receipt of the revenu de solidarité active (active solidarity income), amount of invalidity or retirement pensions, household expenses and income, sums wrongly received ;
e) Data relating to disputes and the enforcement of decisions relating to the registration and monitoring of jobseekers, the allocation and payment of assistance and benefits, discrimination, misrepresentation and fraud;
f) Data relating to persons in custody who are fit for employment and available within six months: data recorded in a codified form (PMJ), prison numbers, administrative categories of the quarter of assignment, transfer dates, foreseeable and actual release dates, dates of eligibility for sentence adjustment, dates and types of sentence adjustment requested and decided, dates of placement under electronic surveillance and dates of end of sentence;
2° Concerning bailiffs and lawyers : surname, first name, business address, telephone number, e-mail address;
3° Concerning Pôle emploi correspondents within training organisations, service providers, partners or companies: surname, first name, business address, telephone number, e-mail address, identification of the company;
4° Concerning Pôle emploi agents: surname, first name, business address, business telephone number and e-mail address, connection identifiers and traces of actions carried out.