A person is deemed to be immediately available for work, within the meaning of Article L. 5411-7, a person who, at the time of registering with Pôle emploi or renewing their application for employment :
1° Is working or has worked during the previous month in an occasional or reduced activity not exceeding seventy-eight hours per month;
2° Is following a training course not exceeding a total of forty hours or the organisation of which, in particular in the form of evening classes or correspondence courses, enables him/her to work simultaneously in a job;
3° Is absent from their usual place of residence, after notifying Pôle emploi, for up to thirty-five days in the calendar year;
4° Is on sick leave or temporarily unable to work, for a period not exceeding fifteen days;
5° Is incarcerated for a period not exceeding fifteen days;
6° is on paternity leave.