As part of the regional health plan provided for in article L. 1434-2, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall draw up a section dedicated to the organisation of the permanent care service referred to in article L. 6111-1-3. On the basis of the diagnosis defined in article R. 1434-4, this section assesses the needs of the population and sets targets, for the areas defined in a of 2° of article L. 1434-9, in terms of the number of establishments per medical speciality and per organisational method and, where applicable, takes into account the activities and equipment mentioned in the decree provided for in II of article L. 6147-7. It is binding on health establishments and other holders of authorisations for healthcare activities and heavy equipment, as well as on establishments and services applying for such authorisations.
This section is drawn up for a period of five years, following the procedure set out in article R. 1434-1.
However, it may be revised each year if this is justified by changes in the needs of the population or in healthcare provision. In this case, by way of derogation from the provisions of article R. 1434-1, the revised plan is drawn up by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the specialised commission on healthcare organisation of the Regional Conference on Health and Autonomy. The deadline for issuing an opinion is two months. If no opinion is issued within this period, the opinion is deemed to have been given.