Where a patent application is divided in accordance with articles R. 612-33 and R. 612-34, each divisional application must comply with the provisions of articles R. 612-3 to R. 612-5. The provisions of the third paragraph of Article R. 612-1 are also applicable.
Faculty is open to the applicant:
-either to repeat in each divisional application the contents of the original application, except for limiting the claims to the sole subject-matter of the divisional application;
-either to limit the description, claims and drawings of each divisional application to its sole subject-matter; in this case, these shall contain, in addition to the texts, claims and figures extracted respectively from the description, claims and drawings of the original application, only the linking and explanatory phrases necessary for the clarity of the exposition.
The file of one of the divisional applications shall be constituted by the file of the initial application after application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the articles R. 612-10 and R. 612-11, the period within which the inventor may be designated for each divisional application may not be less than two months from the invitation provided for in article R. 612-11. The date of expiry of this period shall be mentioned in the notification.