The chairman of the hospital medical committee ensures that the committee operates smoothly.
In order to carry out its duties, the Institutional Medical Committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure in accordance with its remit. It is free to define its internal organisation, subject to the following provisions.
The Committee meets at least four times a year, convened by its Chairman, who sets the agenda.
It may also be convened at the request of either one third of its members, or the Chairman of the Executive Board, or the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, on an agenda proposed by them.
Except in emergencies, the agenda is sent at least seven days in advance to the members of the Commission and to those invited to attend the meeting as experts.
External personalities or healthcare professionals with knowledge of the issues on the agenda and whose expertise is useful for the smooth running of the Commission’s work may be called upon to speak at the meeting, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the internal rules.
The members of the committee and any persons heard by it are bound by the obligation of professional discretion with regard to any confidential information that comes to their knowledge in the course of their work.
The hospital contributes to the smooth running of the Institutional Medical Committee and provides it with human and material resources to this end.