In order to hold the title of former hospital specialist assistant or former hospital generalist assistant, it is necessary to provide evidence of two years’ effective service in one or other of these capacities respectively.
Phase 3, known as the consolidation phase of the third cycle of medical studies mentioned in article R. 632-20 of the Education Code, once validated, is counted as one year towards obtaining the title of former assistant hospital specialist mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Annual leave, maternity leave, childbirth leave, paternity and childcare leave, adoption leave, leave for the arrival of a child placed with a view to adoption and, up to a limit of thirty days, paid sick leave granted to hospital assistants are taken into account in calculating the period mentioned in the first paragraph, up to a total limit of six months.
The contracts of hospital assistants who have benefited from maternity leave, birth leave, adoption leave, leave for the arrival of a child placed with a view to adoption, paternity and childcare leave or paid sick leave are extended, at the request of the persons concerned, for the period necessary to reach that mentioned in the first paragraph.