Attached practitioners are entitled to :
1° Annual leave, the duration of which is defined on the basis of twenty-five working days, in proportion to their weekly service obligations;
2° Reduced working time leave, the duration of which is defined in proportion to weekly service obligations under the conditions defined in article R. 6152-801;
3° To days of recuperation for periods of additional working time, standby duty and travel on standby duty, when they have not been compensated.
The head of the department or, failing that, the head of the internal structure organises, after consultation with the practitioners in the structure and on the basis of the organisation decided in accordance with the provisions of article R. 6152-605, the taking of days off during certain periods of the year depending on activity.
In order to take this leave, the practitioner attached may use annual leave days, reduced working time days, recuperation days and days accumulated in his time savings account.
The organisation of the time spent on leave and the time spent on leave by junior doctors is included in the division contracts.
The Director draws up the table of leave and recuperation days referred to in 1°, 2° and 3° after consulting the department head or, failing this, the head of the department, functional unit or any other internal structure and informs the Chairman of the establishment’s medical committee.
During such leave and recuperation days, the persons concerned shall continue to receive the emoluments corresponding to their service obligations.
The leave mentioned in this article may be split into half days. They are taken on a pro rata basis according to the entitlement in each establishment if the employee works in more than one establishment.