I.-A hospital practitioner may, at his or her request, be granted leave of absence :
1° For an accident or serious illness of the spouse or partner with whom he/she is bound by a civil solidarity pact, a child or an ascendant, for a period not exceeding three years, renewable up to a total of nine years;
2° To bring up a child under the age of twelve or suffering from a disability requiring continuous care, for a period not exceeding three years, renewable up to a total of nine years;
3° To follow his spouse or the partner with whom he is bound by a civil solidarity pact, if the latter, by reason of his profession, establishes his habitual residence in a place distant from where the practitioner carries out his duties: the period of availability may not, in this case, exceed two years; it is renewable for the same period without exceeding a total of ten years over the entire career.
Availability is also granted automatically, at his request, to the practitioner holding the approval mentioned in articles L. 225-2 and L. 225-17 of the code de l’action sociale et des familles when he goes abroad or to an overseas department, an overseas collectivity or New Caledonia, from a metropolitan department, another overseas department or from Mayotte, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon with a view to adopting one or more children. In this case, the period of leave may not exceed six weeks per approval.
II. -Leave of absence at the request of the person concerned may be granted, subject to the requirements of the service, in the following cases:
1° For studies or research of general interest: in this case, the period of leave of absence may not exceed three years; it may be renewed once for an equal period over the entire career;
2° For personal reasons, for a period not exceeding three years, renewable for the same period, without exceeding a total of ten years over the entire career;
3° For training, for a period not exceeding one year for every six years of service as a hospital practitioner.