The practitioner on leave of absence ceases to benefit from the emoluments mentioned in 1° of article R. 6152-23.
In the event of leave of absence taken in application of 2° of I of article R. 6152-64, the time spent in this position is taken into account for promotion purposes, up to a limit of five years. For other reasons of availability, the practitioner retains his rights to promotion for a maximum of five years provided that he carries out a professional activity.
The professional activity referred to in the second paragraph covers any gainful activity, whether salaried or self-employed, carried out on a full-time or part-time basis and which:
1° in the case of salaried activity, corresponds to a minimum working time of 600 hours per year;
2° in the case of self-employed activity, has provided an income subject to social security contributions, the gross annual amount of which is at least equal to the gross annual salary enabling four quarters of old age insurance to be validated in application of the last paragraph of article R. 351-9 of the Social Security Code.
The provisions of article 48-2 of decree no. 85-986 of 16 September 1985 relating to the particular regime of certain positions of State civil servants, to secondment, integration and permanent cessation of duties apply to the practitioners covered by this article.