The contract shall specify :
1° The qualifications of the practitioner concerned ;
2° The nature of the duties performed as well as the service obligations incumbent upon the practitioner expressed in half-days, in particular with regard to his participation in the continuity of care or pharmaceutical duty on site and, where applicable, the performance of periods of work beyond the service obligations;
3° The specific commitments entered into by the practitioner, the quantitative and qualitative targets assigned to him/her, the achievement of which determines the variable elements of remuneration, the deadlines set for him/her to achieve these targets, as well as the rate at which these targets and commitments may be revised;
4° The frequency and procedures for assessing whether the commitments and objectives set out in the contract have been met;
5° The date on which the practitioner takes up his post and the date on which the contract ends, as well as, where applicable, the probationary period;
6° The period of notice in the event of resignation;
7° Indication of the social protection scheme (general social security scheme and IRCANTEC supplementary pension scheme), subject to the possible application of the provisions of article D. 171-11 of the Social Security Code;
8° The amount of the fixed portion of remuneration and the amount of the variable portion, which depends on specific commitments and the achievement of the objectives mentioned in 2° of this article.