I. – This sub-section applies to students who complete phase 1 of the third cycle of medical studies, or pharmacy studies for students enrolled in medical biology and hospital pharmacy or odontology studies for students enrolled in oral surgery, phase 2 of the third cycle of medical studies, or pharmacy studies for students enrolled in medical biology and hospital pharmacy or odontology studies for students enrolled in oral surgery, and the long third cycle of pharmacy studies or the long third cycle of odontology studies, or pharmacy for students enrolled in medical biology and hospital pharmacy or odontology for students enrolled in oral surgery, and the third long cycle of pharmacy studies or the third long cycle of odontology studies, except for students enrolled in medical biology, hospital pharmacy or oral surgery respectively. These students are known as interns. Practitioners undergoing specialised training, interns are civil servants.
II. – During their internship, interns are under the responsibility of the practitioner in charge of the host unit. Their service obligations include eight half-days per week, calculated as an average over the quarter.
Interns are entitled to a break of at least fifteen minutes per half-day of internship.
A night period is counted as two half-days.
The intern participates in the on-call duty of postgraduate students in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy. Time spent on call and travelling during a period of on-call duty, including travel time, is counted as actual working time and is included in service obligations.
III. – Outside training, the intern’s service obligations include two half-days per week, calculated as an average over the quarter.
Out-of-service training includes :
1° Half a day of training time during which he/she is under the responsibility of the coordinator of his/her specialty. This half-day is counted as actual working time and is included in the intern’s service obligations;
2° Half a day of personal time to consolidate their knowledge and skills, which the intern uses independently. This half-day is not counted as actual working time but is included in the intern’s service obligations.
IV. – The intern will benefit from a safety rest immediately after each on-call period and after the last journey made during an on-call period.
The time devoted to safety rest may not be used to fulfil the intern’s on-call or off-call duties.
V. – The terms and conditions for the application of this article are set by joint order of the ministers responsible for the budget, higher education, health and defence.