Any staff representative who, during his term of office, no longer fulfils the conditions laid down in Article R. 6156-47 for sitting on the section for which he was elected or who has been dismissed shall automatically cease to be a member of the Commission.
If, before the expiry of his term of office, one of the full representatives is unable to carry out his term of office for one of the reasons mentioned in Article R. 6156-47, he is replaced by the first substitute in the order of the list on which he was elected until the renewal of the National Statutory Commission. The latter is then replaced by the first remaining non-elected candidate on the same list.
If the alternate representative is unable to exercise his mandate, he is replaced by the first remaining non-elected candidate on the same list.
Where a list is unable to fill the seats of full members or alternate members to which it is entitled, in accordance with the conditions set out above, the trade union organisation that presented the list shall appoint its representative from among the staff covered by the section of the National Statutory Commission who are eligible at the time the appointment is made, for the remainder of the term of office.