When the Prefect decides to end the objection, in the light of the employer’s explanations, he will notify the employer of his decision.
The employer may then hire apprentices again.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book II: Apprenticeships | Title II: Apprenticeship contract | Chapter V: Opposition, suspension and ban on recruitment procedures | Section 2: Objection to the hiring of apprentices | Article R6225-7 of the French Labour Code
When the Prefect decides to end the objection, in the light of the employer’s explanations, he will notify the employer of his decision.
The employer may then hire apprentices again.
Lorsque le préfet, au vu des justifications de l’employeur, décide de mettre fin à l’opposition, il notifie sa décision à l’employeur.
L’employeur peut à nouveau procéder à l’engagement d’apprentis.
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