I.-Applications for support for a professional transition project are satisfied in the order in which they are received. However, the regional cross-industry joint committees are entitled to determine certain categories of priority actions and target groups when the requests for support for a professional transition project submitted to them cannot all be met simultaneously.
The order of priority is set by each commission in the light of the specific features of its territory. In particular, it takes into account the analyses carried out as part of the regional plan for the development of training and vocational guidance drawn up by the region in application of article L. 6121-1, on the one hand, and the reference system of priorities for the satisfaction of requests for support drawn up by France Compétences in application of 10° of article L. 6123-5, on the other.
This framework takes into account the level of qualification and socio-professional category of the applicants, as well as their possible unfitness for employment, the size of the companies employing them and the objective of ensuring professional equality between men and women.
II – The regional cross-industry joint committee plans the provisional distribution of its financial commitments over the course of the year.
III -The order of priority and the distribution provided for in I and II are defined and published each year in dedicated sections of the national information system common to the regional joint interprofessional committees provided for in II of article L. 6323-17-2.