I.-The average reference salary of the intermittent performing artist or technician mentioned in article R. 6323-9-1 who benefits from a professional transition project is calculated on the basis of the salaries received during the periods worked mentioned in 1°, 2° or 3° of the I of article R. 6323-9-1, the amount of the insurance allowance received by the employee and the allowances paid by the caisse des congés spectacles.
II.-The average reference salary of the employee holding an employment contract with a temporary work agency, who fulfils the seniority conditions mentioned in II of article R. 6323-9-1, is calculated on the basis of the average salaries received during the last 600 hours of work carried out on behalf of the temporary work agency in which this application is submitted.
The average salary takes into account the basic salary, overtime or additional hours and bonuses of any kind paid during the reference period, with the exception of the end-of-assignment allowance, the paid holiday allowance and reimbursements of professional expenses.