I.-The bodies mentioned in article L. 6131-3 collect the contribution defined in article L. 6331-55, within the limit of the rate mentioned in the second paragraph of the same article, and transfer it to France Compétences.
II -France Compétences allocates the proceeds of this contribution, according to the distribution defined by the convention or agreement mentioned in article L. 6331-56, to the specifically approved skills operator in the form of quarterly payments and, in respect of training actions for the benefit of jobseekers, to the State.
The portion allocated to the personal training account by the convention or agreement is allocated by the skills operator to finance the top-up provided for in II of article L. 6323-4 and in the second paragraph of article R. 6323-14-4, for training actions benefiting intermittent employees in the entertainment industry.
III – The number of intermittent employees in the entertainment industry is not taken into account when assessing the number of employees mentioned in 1° of I of article R. 6123-26.