I.-In order to finance a training course eligible for the personal training account mentioned in article L. 6323-6, the Caisse des dépôts et consignations first mobilises the resources mentioned in article L. 6333-1 intended to finance the rights acquired by the account holder, then, when these are insufficient, the additional resources mentioned in article L. 6333-2 intended to finance the complementary rights.
II -When the Caisse des dépôts et consignations mobilises the additional rights, it uses the resources mentioned in article L. 6333-2 in an order of priority set by order of the minister responsible for vocational training.
III – The costs of training that are not financed by the rights mobilised under the personal training account remain the responsibility of the account holder. The deadlines and procedures for payment of the remaining costs by the account holder to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations are set out in the general conditions for use of the electronic service referred to in article L. 6323-9.