Any legal entity or sole trader who ceases to fulfil the conditions or respect the obligations mentioned in 4°, 5° and 6° of article R. 7232-17 or who repeatedly fails to respect the obligations defined in article R. 7232-19 , after formal notice from the prefect has remained without effect, loses the benefit of the provisions of article L. 7233-2 and the provisions of article L. 241-10 of the Social Security Code.
He is informed of this by the Prefect, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. He has fifteen days to make his observations.
If the Prefect considers that the shortcomings identified do not justify the withdrawal of registration but make it necessary to amend the terms of the declaration, the person in question is invited by the Prefect to make the required amendment to his declaration.
The decision to withdraw or amend a declaration registration is taken by the Prefect of the département where the declaration was registered. It is published in the prefecture’s official journal of administrative acts.
The prefect informs the director of tax services and the body responsible for collecting social security contributions in the area concerned.