If the legal entity or sole trader plans to carry out the activity referred to in 1° of article L. 7232-1 in several départements, the prefect of the département where the legal entity or sole trader’s main establishment is located shall seek the opinion of the presidents of the département councils of the départements concerned, via the territorially competent prefects.
Any application to extend approval to a new activity or a new département is the subject of an application to amend the approval sent to the prefect of the département where the main establishment of the legal entity or sole trader is located. In the case of the activity referred to in 1° of Article L. 7232-1, the prefect obtains the opinion of the president of the departmental council of the department concerned by the extension of approval, via the territorially competent prefect.
If the application for extension is incomplete, the Prefect informs the applicant and asks it to provide the missing documents or information. If the Prefect remains silent for more than three months from the date of receipt of a complete application, this constitutes a decision of acceptance.