The declaration of candidacy of a professional organisation of distribution centres wishing to have its representativeness established at the level of the sector in question pursuant to Article L. 7343-23 must be accompanied by
1° A copy of the organisation’s articles of association and the receipt for filing them ;
2° Evidence and documents proving that the organisation meets the criteria mentioned in 1°, 2°, 3° and 5° of article L. 7343-22 ;
3° The rules on membership fees laid down by deliberation of the organisation’s competent body;
4° Declarations drawn up by the applicant organisation:
a) The number of platforms in the sector that are members of the organisation and up to date with their membership fees ;
b) The number of workers using these platforms who meet the conditions of seniority and number of services laid down in Article L. 7343-7 ;
c) The business income referred to inArticle L. 1326-3 of the Transport Code generated by these member platforms.
These declarations shall be drawn up in accordance with a model approved by the Director General of the Employment Platforms Social Relations Authority.
Platforms that are members of a candidate organisation may send the declarations mentioned in b and c directly to the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi;
5° A copy of the decision empowering the representative to take the necessary steps for the declaration of candidacy or of the statutory provisions on which this mandate is based;
6° A copy of a document certifying the identity of the representative.