In addition to the Chairman, the Board of Directors comprises:
1° A college made up of six members representing the State:
a) The Director General of Labour or his representative;
b) The Director General of Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility or his representative;
c) The Director General of Enterprise or his representative;
d) The Director of Civil Affairs and Seals or his representative;
e) The Director General of the Treasury or his representative;
f) The Director General of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control or his representative;
2° A college made up of three qualified individuals appointed for their expertise in the digital economy, social dialogue and commercial law;
3° A college made up of one representative from each of the recognised representative workers’ organisations on the list mentioned in article L. 7343-4 ;
4° A college made up of one representative from each of the recognised representative platform organisations on the list referred to in Article L. 7343-24.
The members mentioned in 2° to 4° of this article are appointed by joint order of the Minister for Labour and the Minister for Transport.
The Managing Director of the establishment, the Budget Controller and the Accounting Officer may attend meetings of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity, as may any person whose presence the Chairman of the Board of Directors deems useful.