A joint order by the Ministers of Labour, the Interior and Finance sets the conditions under which employer members are compensated for their travel expenses and employee members for their travel expenses and lost wages.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book IV: Home workers | Title II: Remuneration and working conditions | Chapter II: Remuneration conditions | Section 1: Determination of performance times | Article R7422-5 of the French Labour Code
A joint order by the Ministers of Labour, the Interior and Finance sets the conditions under which employer members are compensated for their travel expenses and employee members for their travel expenses and lost wages.
Un arrêté conjoint des ministres chargé du travail, de l’intérieur et des finances détermine les conditions dans lesquelles les membres employeurs sont indemnisés de leurs frais de déplacement et les membres travailleurs de leurs frais de déplacement et de leurs pertes de salaires.
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