Any agreement by which one of the partners transfers all or part of its capital securities or company shares to a third party, with a view to the latter exercising the profession of commercial court clerk, is entered into subject to the condition precedent of the acceptance of the transferee by the partners, and, if applicable, the approval of the withdrawal of the transferor.
When selecting a winner of the competition provided for in Article R. 742-6-1, the transferor appoints the highest-ranked candidate from among the candidates from the same graduating class, provided that this candidate undertakes to pay the price requested and obtains the company’s consent. If the company refuses to consent to the transfer in favour of the designated candidate, the transferor may designate, subject to the same reservations, the next-ranked candidate from the same promotion, or the highest-ranked candidate from another promotion, or a candidate previously appointed as a court clerk.
Where the consent of the company is acquired under the conditions provided for in articles R. 743-99 and R. 743-125,the transferee sends the Minister of Justice a request for his appointment as an associate commercial court clerk practising within the company.
This request is sent by teleprocedure on the website of the Ministry of Justice.
It shall be accompanied by a copy of the deed of transfer of the equity securities or shares, if this has been drawn up in authentic form, or one of the originals of this deed if it has not, as well as all supporting documents, in particular those establishing the express or tacit consent given by the company to the transfer, and those required of any candidate for the duties of clerk of the commercial court. Where the future partner is required to take out a loan, the request must be accompanied by information enabling the future partner’s financial resources to be assessed in the light of the commitments entered into.
The transfer price and the terms of payment are set by the parties.
The Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce provides the Garde des sceaux, Minister of Justice, within twenty days of its request, with any information available to it enabling the latter to assess the professional abilities and good repute of the transferee