To carry out the tasks mentioned in Article L. 822-2, the National Consumer Institute:
1° With regard to nationally approved consumer protection associations:
a) Carries out and provides technical support services, such as producing legal, economic and technical studies, educational and documentary files, summary and analysis files in preparation for the work of the National Consumer Council, training initiatives, comparative tests, television programmes and specialist publications. It provides access to the institution’s databases.
b) Provides funding and technical support services to regional consumer technical centres or similar regional or inter-regional structures within the framework of pooling agreements allowing material, intellectual and human resources to be pooled with these centres or structures.
c) Collects information on the development of the consumer market and on the consumer’s needs.
c) Collects information on issues involving the defence of consumer interests, in particular with a view to setting up data banks;
> With respect to the public
2° With regard to the public:
a) Disseminates, by any appropriate means, information on consumer issues, products and services likely to be used by consumers;
> b) Produces any product, service or service likely to be used by consumers.
b) Carry out any product, study, comparative test or service related to its missions.