For the allocation of automatic financial aid in the form of investment allowances, an account known as an “automatic account” is opened in the name of each beneficiary in the accounts of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée. The sums representing the automatic financial assistance to which the account holder is entitled are entered in this account.
The entry of these sums in the account does not create vested rights for the account holder. Their benefit is subject to the issue of a decision by the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée authorising their investment.
In the case of automatic financial assistance for the production of feature-length cinematographic works and automatic financial assistance for the production of audiovisual works, the investment of the sums is subject to two authorisation decisions:
-an initial decision allocating the sums in advance and on a provisional basis subject to obtaining a final allocation decision;
-a second decision allocating the sums on a final basis.