1. The net gains referred to in I of article 150-0 A are made up of the difference between the effective price of the transfer of the securities or rights, net of the costs and taxes paid by the transferor, and their effective acquisition price by the latter less, where applicable, the tax reductions effectively obtained under the conditions provided for in article 199 terdecies-0 A, or, in the event of acquisition free of charge, their value used to determine the transfer duties.
Net gains resulting from the disposal for valuable consideration or withdrawn from the redemption of shares, company units, split rights relating to these shares or units, or securities representing these same shares, units or rights, mentioned in article 150-0 A, as well as the distributions mentioned in 7,7 bis and the last two paragraphs of 8 of II of the same article, to article 150-0 F and 1 of II of article 163 quinquies C are reduced by an allowance determined under the conditions set out, as appropriate, in 1 ter or 1 quater of this article.
The price supplement provided for in 2 of I of article 150-0 A, relating to the transfer of shares, units or rights mentioned in the second paragraph of this 1, is reduced by the allowance provided for in the same paragraph, regardless of the date on which the transfer to which it relates occurred, when the conditions provided for, as the case may be, in 1 ter or 1 quater of this article are met.
The aforementioned allowance does not apply to the benefit referred to in article 80 bis recognised on the exercise of options granted before 20 June 2007, nor to the net gain mentioned in I of article 163 bis G, nor to the remainder of the net taxable gain after application of the fixed allowance provided for in 1 of I of article 150-0 D ter.
1 bis (Deleted)
1 ter. A.-The allowance referred to in 1 is equal to:
a) 50% of the amount of the net gains or distributions when the shares, units, rights or securities have been held for at least two years and less than eight years on the date of the disposal or distribution;
b) 65% of the amount of the net gains or distributions when the shares, units, rights or securities have been held for at least eight years on the date of the disposal or distribution.
This allowance applies to net gains on the disposal for valuable consideration or redemption of units or shares in undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities or collective investments, covered by articles L. 214-24-24 to L. 214-32-1, L. 214-139 to L. 214-147 and L. 214-152 to L. 214-166 of the Monetary and Financial Code, or the dissolution of such undertakings or investments, provided that they employ more than 75% of their assets in company units or shares. This quota must be met no later than the close of the financial year following that in which the undertaking or collective investment was set up and continuously until the date of the sale or redemption of the shares, units or rights or the dissolution of the undertaking or collective investment. However, this condition does not apply to the net gains mentioned in 8 of II of article 150-0 A of this code and to the net gains from the sale or redemption of units in venture capital investment funds mentioned in articles L. 214-28, L. 214-30 and L. 214-31 of the Monetary and Financial Code and units or shares in professional private equity funds mentioned in article L. 214-159 of the same code.
The aforementioned allowance applies to the distributions mentioned in 7 and 7 bis of II of article 150-0 A of this code, provided that the funds mentioned in this same 7 and the undertakings or collective investments mentioned in this same 7 bis employ more than 75% of their assets in shares or corporate units or in rights relating to these shares or corporate units. This quota must be met at the latest at the close of the financial year following that in which the fund, undertaking or collective investment was established and continuously until the date of distribution. However, this condition does not apply to distributions made by fonds communs de placement à risques mentioned in articles L. 214-28, L. 214-30 and L. 214-31 of the Monetary and Financial Code and professional capital investment funds mentioned in article L. 214-159 of the same code.
The conditions mentioned in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of this A also apply to entities of the same nature constituted on the basis of foreign law.
By way of derogation from the same fourth and fifth paragraphs, for entities incorporated before 1 January 2014, the 75% quota must be complied with at the latest at the close of the first financial year starting from that same date and continuously until the date of sale, redemption or dissolution or until the date of distribution.
B.-The allowance referred to in A applies subject to compliance with the following conditions:
1° The shares, units, rights or securities were acquired or subscribed prior to 1 January 2018;
2° The net gains, distributions or price complements in question are taxed under the conditions provided for in 2 of Article 200 A.
1 quater. By way of derogation from 1 ter, net gains resulting from the transfer for valuable consideration or withdrawn from the redemption of shares or corporate units or split rights relating to these shares or corporate units, mentioned in article 150-0 A, are reduced by an allowance at the rate mentioned in A when the conditions set out in B are met.
A.-.The rate of the allowance is equal to:
1° 50% of their amount when the shares, units or rights have been held for at least one year and less than four years on the date of the disposal;
2° 65% of their amount when the shares, units or rights have been held for at least four years and less than eight years on the date of the disposal;
3° 85% of their amount when the shares, units or rights have been held for at least eight years on the date of the disposal.
B.-The allowance referred to in A applies subject to compliance with all of the following conditions:
1° The conditions referred to in B of 1 ter are met;
2° The issuing company of the shares, units or rights sold meets all of the following conditions:
a) It was created less than ten years ago and is not the result of a merger, restructuring, expansion or takeover of pre-existing activities. This condition is assessed on the date of subscription or acquisition of the rights transferred;
b) It is a small or medium-sized enterprise within the meaning of Annex I to Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty. This condition is assessed on the closing date of the last financial year preceding the date of subscription or acquisition of these rights or, in the absence of a closed financial year, on the date of the first closed financial year following the date of subscription or acquisition of these rights;
c) It does not grant any capital guarantee to its members or shareholders in return for their subscriptions;
d) It is liable to income tax or an equivalent tax ;
e) It has its registered office in a Member State of the European Union or in another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area that has signed an administrative assistance agreement with France to combat tax evasion and avoidance;
f) It carries out a commercial activity within the meaning of Articles 34 or 35, or an industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity. Activities relating to the management of its own movable or immovable assets are excluded.
Where the company issuing the assigned rights is an animating holding company which, in addition to managing a portfolio of holdings, actively participates in the management of its group’s policy and the control of its subsidiaries and provides, where applicable and on a purely internal basis, specific administrative, legal, accounting, financial and real estate services, compliance with the conditions mentioned in this 2° is assessed at the level of the issuing company and each of the companies in which it holds holdings.
The conditions set out in the fourth to penultimate paragraphs of this 2° are assessed on a continuous basis from the date on which the company was created.
C.-The allowance referred to in A does not apply:
1° To net gains on the sale or redemption of units or shares in undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities or collective investment schemes covered by Articles L. 214-24-24 to L. 214-32-1, L. 214-139 to L. 214-147 and L. 214-152 to L. 214-166 of the Monetary and Financial Code or entities of the same nature constituted on the basis of foreign law or the dissolution of such undertakings, investments or entities ;
2° To the distributions mentioned in 7 and 7 bis and the last two paragraphs of 8 of II of article 150-0 A, article 150-0 F and 1 of II of article 163 quinquies C, including when they are made by entities of the same nature constituted on the basis of foreign law;
3° To the gains mentioned in 3, 4 bis, 4 ter and 5 of II and, where applicable, 2 of III of article 150-0 A.
1 quinquies. For the application of the allowance mentioned in 1, the holding period is counted from the date of subscription or acquisition of the shares, units, rights or securities, and :
1° In the event of the sale of shares, units, rights or securities carried out by an interposed person, from the date of subscription or acquisition of the shares, units, rights or securities by the interposed person;
2° In the event of the subsequent sale of shares, units, rights or securities received on the occasion of transactions mentioned in Article 150-0 B or II of Article 150 UB, from the date of subscription or acquisition of the shares, units, rights or securities tendered in exchange;
3° In the event of the transfer of shares, units, rights or securities after the closure of a share savings plan defined in article 163 quinquies D or their withdrawal from said plan, from the date on which the transferor ceased to benefit, for these shares, units, rights or securities, from the advantages provided for in 5° bis and 5° ter of article 157 ;
4° In the event of the transfer for consideration of shares, units, rights or securities received as remuneration for a contribution made under the regime provided for in I ter of article 93 quater, in a of I of l’article 151 octies or to the I and II of l’article 151 octies A, from the date on which the contributor began his commercial, industrial, craft, liberal or agricultural activity;
5° In the case of a transfer of shares, units, rights or securities carried out by a trust :
a) Where the shares, units, rights or securities have been acquired or subscribed by the trust, from the date of acquisition or subscription of these shares, units, rights or securities by the trust;
b) Where the shares, units, rights or securities have been transferred to the trust assets under the conditions provided for in Article 238 quater N, from the date of acquisition or subscription of the shares, units, rights or securities by the settlor;
6° In the event of the transfer of shares, units, rights or securities received under the conditions provided for in article 238 quater Q :
a) Where the transferor is the initial settlor of the trust :
– where the shares, units, rights or securities have been transferred by the settlor into the trust assets under the conditions provided for in article 238 quater N, from the date of acquisition or subscription of the shares, units, rights or securities by the settlor;
– where the shares, units, rights or securities have not been transferred into the trust assets under the conditions provided for in the same article 238 quater N, from the date of acquisition or subscription of the shares, units, rights or securities by the trust;
b) Where the transferor is not the initial settlor of the trust, from the date of acquisition of rights representing property or rights in the trust assets if the shares, units, rights or securities transferred were in the trust assets when these rights were acquired, from the date of acquisition or subscription of the shares, units, rights or securities by the trust in other situations.
7° In the event of the transfer of free shares allocated under the conditions defined in Articles L. 225-197-1 to L. 225-197-5, L. 22-10-59 and L. 22-10-60 of the Commercial Code, from the acquisition date provided for in the sixth paragraph of I of Article L. 225-197-1 of the French Commercial Code;
8° In the event of the sale or redemption of units or shares in the new fonds commun de placement or société d’investissement à capital variable created as part of a demerger carried out pursuant to articles L. 214-7-4, L. 214-8-7, L. 214-24-33 and L. 214-24-41 of the Monetary and Financial Code, in the event of the dissolution of that fund or company and for the distributions referred to in 7 and 7 bis and the last two paragraphs of 8 of II of Article 150-0 A of this Code, from the date of acquisition or subscription of the units or shares of the former mutual fund or open-ended investment company.
In the event of earlier disposals of securities or rights in the company concerned for which the net gain was determined by retaining an acquisition price calculated according to the weighted average acquisition value rule provided for in the first paragraph of 3, the number of securities or rights disposed of earlier is deemed to have been taken in priority from the securities or rights acquired or subscribed on the earliest dates.
For the distributions mentioned in 7,7 bis and the last two paragraphs of 8 of II of Article 150-0 A, Article 150-0 F and 1 of II of Article 163 quinquies C, the holding period is counted from the date of acquisition or subscription of the securities of the fund, entity or venture capital company concerned, subject to 8° of this 1 quinquies.
For the application of the last paragraph of A of 1 ter, in the event of the transfer for consideration or redemption of units or shares in undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities or collective investment schemes, set up before 1 January 2014, or in the event of distributions made by such undertakings, the holding period is deducted:
– from the date of subscription or acquisition of these units or shares, when the units or shares were subscribed or acquired on a date when the undertaking complies with the investment quota mentioned in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the same A of 1 ter;
– from the date of compliance with the investment quota mentioned in the penultimate paragraph of this 1 quinquies when the units or shares were subscribed or acquired on an earlier date.
2. The acquisition price of the securities or rights to be retained by the transferee for the determination of the net gain on the disposal of the securities or rights concerned is, where applicable, increased by the price supplement mentioned in 2 of I of article 150-0 A.
2 bis. (Repealed).
3. In the event of the sale of one or more securities belonging to a series of securities of the same nature acquired for different prices, the acquisition price to be used is the weighted average acquisition value of these securities.
The detachment of subscription or allocation rights has the following consequences:
a. The acquisition price of shares or units previously held and enabling participation in the transaction is not subject to any change;
b. The acquisition price of detached rights is, if they are sold, deemed to be zero;
c. The acquisition price of the shares or units received on the occasion of the transaction is deemed to be equal to the price of the rights acquired for this purpose for valuable consideration, increased, if applicable, by the sum paid by the subscriber.
4. For all securities admitted to trading on a regulated market acquired before 1 January 1979, the taxpayer may use the highest spot price for 1978 as the acquisition price.
For all French variable-income securities, he may also use the average spot price quoted for these securities during 1972.
These provisions do not apply where the disposal relates to corporate rights which, held directly or indirectly in the corporate profits by the transferor or his spouse, their ascendants and descendants, have together exceeded 25% of these profits at any time during the last five years. For these rights, the taxpayer may substitute for the acquisition price the value of these rights on 1 January 1949 if it is higher.
5. In the event of the sale of securities after the closure of a share savings plan defined in article 163 quinquies D or their withdrawal from said plan, the acquisition price is deemed to be equal to their value on the date on which the seller ceased to benefit, for these securities, from the advantages provided for in 5° bis and 5° ter of article 157.
6. The net gain realised since the opening of a share savings plan defined in article 163 quinquies D means the difference between the net asset value of the plan or the surrender value for capitalisation contracts on the date of withdrawal and the amount of payments made into the plan since the date it was opened, with the exception of those relating to withdrawals or surrenders that did not result in the closure of the plan.
7. The purchase price of shares acquired under a long-term savings commitment is deemed to be equal to the last quoted spot price of these shares prior to the expiry of this commitment.
8. For shares acquired under the conditions provided for in articles L. 225-177 to L. 225-186, L. 22-10-56 and L. 22-10-57 of the French Commercial Code, the acquisition price of the securities to be used by the transferee to determine the net gain is the subscription or purchase price of the shares plus the benefit defined in article 80 bis of this Code.
8 bis. In the event of the sale of units or shares acquired as part of a transaction referred to in 4 of article L. 313-7 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the acquisition price to be taken into account is equal to the price agreed for the acceptance of the unilateral undertaking to sell, excluding any sums corresponding to payments made by way of rent.
8 ter. The net gain referred to in 6 of II of article 150-0 A is equal to the difference between the amount of the redemption and the acquisition or subscription price or value of the securities redeemed.
9. In the event of a subsequent sale or redemption referred to in 6 of II of article 150-0 A of securities received on the occasion of a transaction referred to in article 150-0 B, in the fourth paragraph of article 150 A bis in force prior to the publication of the Finance Act for 2004 (no. 2003-1311 of 30 December 2003) and in II of article 150 UB the net gain is calculated on the basis of the acquisition price or value of the securities exchanged, less the amount of the balancing payment received, which has not been subject to taxation in respect of the year of the exchange, or plus the balancing payment made at the time of this exchange.
9 bis. In the event of the transfer for consideration or redemption of units in venture capital mutual funds or specialised professional funds covered by Article L. 214-37 of the Monetary and Financial Code as it stood prior to ordonnance n° 2013-676 du 25 juillet 2013 modifiant le cadre juridique de la gestion d’actifs ou de fonds professionnels de capital investissement pour lesquelles le contribuable a perceçu une distribution mentionnée au 7 du II de l’article 150-0 A, le prix d’acquisition ou de souscription est diminué à concurrence du montant des sommes ou valeurs ainsi distribuées qui n’a pas été imposé en application du même 7.
10. In the event of the absorption of a société d’investissement à capital variable by a fonds commun de placement carried out in accordance with the regulations in force, the net gains resulting from the sale or redemption of the units received in exchange or from the dissolution of the absorbing fund are deemed to consist of the difference between the effective price of the sale or redemption of the units received in exchange, net of the costs and taxes paid by the seller, and the subscription or purchase price of the shares of the absorbed société d’investissement à capital variable remitted in exchange.
10 bis. For the calculation of net gains resulting from the sale or redemption of units or shares or the dissolution of open-ended mutual funds or investment companies resulting from a split carried out pursuant to articles L. 214-7-4, L. 214-8-7, L. 214-24-33 and L. 214-24-41 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the acquisition price is determined by retaining the acquisition price or value of the shares or units of the entity whose assets have been split, in the ratio existing between the net asset value of each of the entities resulting from the split on the date of the latter and the arithmetic sum of the said net asset values.
11. Capital losses incurred in the course of a year are set off exclusively against capital gains of the same kind, retained for their gross amount before application, where applicable, of the allowances mentioned in 1 ter or 1 quater of this article or in article 150-0 D ter, taxable in respect of the same year.
In the event of a positive balance, the remaining capital gains are reduced, where applicable, by the capital losses of the same nature suffered in respect of previous years up to and including the tenth year, then by the allowances mentioned in the first paragraph of this 11.
In the event of a negative balance, the excess capital losses mentioned in the same first paragraph that have not been deducted are carried forward and deducted under the same conditions in respect of subsequent years up to and including the tenth year.
12. Losses incurred in the event of the cancellation of transferable securities, corporate rights or similar securities are chargeable, under the conditions mentioned in 11, in the year in which either the reduction in the company’s capital takes place, in execution of a recovery plan mentioned in article L. 631-19 of the French Commercial Code, or the transfer of the business ordered by the court pursuant to l’article L. 631-22 of this code, or the judgment closing the judicial liquidation, or the total reduction of the company’s capital pursuant to the second paragraph of articles L. 223-42 or L. 225-248 of the said code when the losses are equal to or greater than the shareholders’ equity.
As an exception to the provisions of the first paragraph, prior to the cancellation of the securities, losses on transferable securities, corporate rights or similar securities may, at the express option of the holder, be offset under the conditions set out in paragraph 11, as from the year in which the judgment ordering the sale of the company pursuant to article L. 631-22 of the French Commercial Code, in the absence of any continuation plan, or ordering its compulsory liquidation, is handed down. The option applies to all the transferable securities, share rights or similar securities held in the company that is the subject of the collective proceedings. In the event of the judgment being overturned or the disposal plan being resolved, the loss charged or carried forward is reversed in respect of the year in which this event occurs.
The provisions of the first and second paragraphs do not apply:
a. To recognised losses relating to transferable securities or company rights held in a company savings plan mentioned in article 163 bis B or in a share savings plan defined in article 163 quinquies D;
b. To losses incurred by persons against whom the court has handed down one of the sentences mentioned in articles L. 651-2, L. 653-4, L. 653-5, L. 653-6, L. 653-8, L. 654-2 or L. 654-6 of the French Commercial Code. When one of these convictions is handed down against a taxpayer who has exercised the option provided for in the second paragraph, the loss thus deducted or carried forward is reversed in respect of the year of the conviction.
13. The deduction of the losses mentioned in 12 is made within the limit of the actual acquisition price of the securities by the transferor or, in the event of a free acquisition, of the value used for the basis of assessment of transfer duties. Where the securities have been received, as from 1 January 2000, as part of an exchange transaction under the conditions provided for in Article 150-0 B, the acquisition price to be used is that of the securities handed over in the exchange, less the amount of the balancing payment received, which was not subject to taxation in respect of the year of the exchange, or plus the balancing payment made at the time of this exchange.
The net loss recorded is reduced, insofar as it relates to the securities concerned, by the amount:
a. The sums or securities reimbursed up to the purchase price of the corresponding securities.
b. The sums having given entitlement to the tax reduction pursuant to article 199 unvicies.
c. repealed
14. By means of a claim submitted within the period stipulated in the income tax procedure book, the transfer price of the securities or rights used to determine the net gains mentioned in 1 of I of article 150-0 A is reduced by the amount of the payment made by the transferor in execution of the clause in the transfer contract by which the transferor undertakes to repay to the transferee all or part of the transfer price in the event of disclosure, in the accounts of the company whose securities are the subject of the contract, of a debt originating prior to the transfer or of an overstatement of asset values appearing in the balance sheet of that same company at the date of the transfer.
The amount of the sums received in execution of such a liabilities or net assets guarantee clause reduces the acquisition price of the securities or corporate rights to be retained by the transferee for the determination of the net gain on the disposal of the securities concerned.