I. – When members of the staff of an industrial or commercial company who are employed there set up a company to ensure the continuity of the company by buying back a fraction of its capital, the said company is entitled to a tax credit equal to the amount of corporation tax payable by the company bought back in respect of the previous financial year, in proportion to the shareholdings it holds in the company bought back.
The tax credit relating to each financial year may be reimbursed up to the amount of interest due in respect of the same financial year on loans taken out by the company created with a view to the buyout.
This scheme is granted upon approval by the Minister for the Economy, Finance and the Budget upon application made prior to 15 April 1987.
II. – The benefit of the provisions of I is subject to the following conditions:
1° The members of staff of the acquired company referred to in the first paragraph of I must hold more than 50% of the voting rights attached to the units, shares or voting right certificates of the created company;
2° The created company must hold more than 50% of the voting rights of the acquired company;
3° On the merger of the two companies the members of staff referred to in the first paragraph of I must hold more than 50% of the voting rights of the company resulting from the merger.
III. – The merger referred to in 3° of II benefits from the regime provided for in article 210 A.