The tax credit defined in article 220 sexdecies is deducted from the corporation tax due by the company for the financial year during which the expenses defined in III of the same article 220 sexdecies were incurred. If the amount of the tax credit exceeds the tax due in respect of that financial year, the excess is refunded.
The excess tax credit is deducted from the corporation tax due by the company in respect of the financial year in which the expenses defined in III of the same article were incurred.
The excess tax credit constitutes a receivable from the State in favour of the company for an equal amount. This claim is inalienable and non-transferable, except under the conditions set out in articles L. 313-23 to L. 313-35 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
The authorisation referred to in VI of article 220 sexdecies of the present code may not be granted if all the legal, tax and social obligations are not met by the company wishing to benefit from the scheme.
If definitive approval is not obtained within thirty-six months of provisional approval, the company must repay the tax credit from which it benefited.
Failing this, the tax credit will not be refunded.
If it fails to do so, the tax credit will be written back in respect of the financial year in which the decision to refuse final approval is made.