Aid is awarded in the form of a grant, the amount of which is set as follows:
1° For concept aid for fiction projects, the amount of aid is set at €7,500;
2° For concept aid for animation projects, the amount of aid is set at €10,000;
3° For writing aid for fiction projects, the amount of aid is set at :
a) For series projects: €30,000 and €15,000 where the projected duration per episode is less than 10 minutes;
b) For single work projects: €25,000;
4° For writing support for animated work projects, the amount of support is set at:
a) For series projects: €15,000 when the provisional duration per episode is less than 7 minutes, €20,000 when the provisional duration per episode is at least 7 minutes and €30,000 when the provisional duration per episode is at least 26 minutes;
b) For unitary projects: €8,000 where the estimated running time is between 8 and 25 minutes and €25,000 where the estimated running time is at least 26 minutes;
5° Where concept support has already been granted for the same project, the amount of this support is deducted from the amount of writing support.