1. Net profit is established after deduction of all expenses, which include, subject to the provisions of 5, in particular:
1° Overheads of all kinds, staff and labour expenses, rent on buildings leased by the company.
However, remuneration is only allowed as a deduction from profits insofar as it corresponds to actual work and is not excessive in relation to the importance of the service rendered. This provision applies to all direct or indirect remuneration, including indemnities, allowances, benefits in kind and reimbursements of expenses.
A company making an employee available on a temporary basis under the conditions set out in Article L. 8241-3 of the French Labour Code may deduct the salaries, related social security charges and professional expenses reimbursed to the employee made available, even when it only partially re-invoices these costs to the company benefiting from the provision. The benefit of the deduction, for the portion exceeding the rebilling, is subject to compliance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid.
1° bis For financial years ending on or after 31 December 1987 and subject to the provisions of 9, paid holiday pay calculated under the conditions provided for in Articles L. 3141-24 to L. 3141-27 of the French Labour Code, including the social security and tax charges relating to this allowance.
As an exception to the provisions of the first paragraph and subject to the company’s irrevocable option, this allowance and the related social security and tax charges are treated for tax purposes as a substitute salary which constitutes a normal expense for the financial year during which the employee takes the corresponding leave. This option cannot be exercised by companies created after 31 December 1986. It must be exercised before expiry of the deadline for filing the income tax return for the first financial year ending on or after 31 December 1987.
For financial years ending before 31 December 1987, the paid leave allowance calculated in accordance with the conditions set out in articles L. 3141-24 to L. 3141-27 of the French Labour Code is treated for tax purposes as a substitute salary which constitutes a normal expense for the financial year during which the employee takes the corresponding leave. For the purposes of determining taxable income for the financial years from 1 January 1986 to 30 December 1987, the same applies to the social security and tax charges relating to this allowance.
A decree sets out the terms and conditions for the application of these provisions.
1° ter For loans contracted on or after 1 January 1993, the fraction, accrued during the financial year, of the remuneration equal to the difference between the sums or securities to be paid, other than interest, and those received on issue, where this remuneration exceeds 10% of the sums initially made available to the borrower.
This accrued fraction is determined actuarially, using the compound interest method.
For loans where the amount to be repaid is index-linked, these provisions apply to the fraction of the remuneration that is certain in principle and amount from the outset, if this fraction exceeds 10% of the sums initially made available to the borrower. They are not applicable to convertible loans and to those whose repayment is at the sole initiative of the borrower.
1° quater Upon irrevocable and global option of the issuer for a period of two years, the issuance costs of loans distributed by equal fractions or pro rata to the accrued remuneration, over the term of the loans issued during this period.
In the event of early repayment of a loan, conversion or exchange, the issue costs not yet deducted are allowed as a charge pro rata to the capital repaid, converted or exchanged.
These provisions do not apply to loans the repayment of which is at the sole initiative of the borrower.
A decree sets out the conditions for the application of these provisions, in particular as regards the terms of the option and reporting obligations.
2° Except where they are carried out by a co-ownership of ships, a co-ownership of racehorses or stallions, the depreciation actually carried out by the business, within the limit of that which is generally accepted according to the practices of each type of industry, business or operation and taking into account the provisions of Article 39 A, subject to the provisions of article 39 B.
However, depreciation of goodwill is not allowed as a deduction.
By way of derogation from the second paragraph of this 2°, the depreciation recorded in the accounts of companies in respect of business goodwill is allowed as a deduction when it is acquired as from 1 January 2022 and until 31 December 2025. This paragraph does not apply to goodwill acquired from an affiliated company within the meaning of 12 of this article or from a company, including a sole proprietorship, placed, under the conditions defined in a of the same 12, under the control of the same natural person as the company acquiring the goodwill.
The Council of State decrees provided for in Article 273 set out the consequences of the deductions provided for in article 271 on the accounting and depreciation of assets ;
3° Interest paid to members in respect of sums they leave or make available to the company, in addition to their share of the capital, regardless of the form of the company, within the limit of that calculated at a rate equal to the annual average of the average effective rates charged by credit institutions and finance companies for variable-rate loans to businesses, with an initial term of more than two years.
This deduction is subject to the condition that the capital has been fully paid up.
From 1 January 1983, income from indexation clauses relating to sums made available or left available to a company by its members or shareholders is treated as interest.
The remuneration referred to in 1° ter is taken into account for the assessment of the limitation provided for in the first paragraph.
The limit provided for in the first paragraph does not apply to interest relating to advances granted by one company to another company where the former has, with respect to the latter, the status of parent company within the meaning of article 145 and that these advances come from sums borrowed by public offer on the bond market, with the exception of the offers mentioned in 1° or 2° of article L. 411-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code or Article L. 411-2-1 of the same code, or by issuing debt securities mentioned in the first paragraph of article 124 B; in this case, the interest is deductible up to the limit of the interest on the resources thus collected by the parent company on behalf of its subsidiary or subsidiaries. These provisions apply to interest relating to resources borrowed from 1 January 1986. They cease to apply for the determination of taxable income for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 1988.
The conditions for the application of the previous paragraph, in particular the reporting obligations of the companies mentioned, are set by decree;
3° bis (Repealed);
4° Subject to the provisions of article 153, the taxes payable by the company, levied during the financial year, with the exception of taxes levied by a State or territory in accordance with the provisions of a tax treaty between that State or territory and France for the elimination of double taxation in respect of income tax, the taxes provided for in articles 231 ter, 231 quater, 235 ter X, 235 ter ZE bis and 990 G and, for reminders of value added tax relating to transactions in respect of which the tax due may be fully or partially deducted by the taxpayer himself, of the amount of deductible tax.
By way of exception to the provisions of the first paragraph, where, pursuant to the eighth paragraph of article 1679 quinquies, a taxpayer reduces the amount of the balance of business property tax by the amount of the deduction expected from the capping of the territorial economic contribution due in respect of the same year, the amount of business property tax deductible from net profit is reduced in the same proportions. Correlatively, the amount of the rebate thus deducted does not constitute taxable income, when it is granted subsequently.
4° bis-The levy made under the amended article 4 of law no. 51-675 of 24 May 1951, relating to shipbuilding, and which is the subject of a payment order issued during the financial year;
4° ter (Repealed);
4° quater (Repealed) ;
5° Provisions set up with a view to meeting clearly specified losses or charges that current events make probable, provided that they have actually been recorded in the accounts for the financial year. However, provisions set aside by a company to cover the payment of allowances for the retirement or early retirement of current or former members of its staff or directors are not deductible. Provisions for losses relating to operations in progress at the end of a financial year are deductible from the results of that financial year only up to the amount of the loss which is equal to the excess of the cost price of the work carried out at the end of the same financial year over the selling price of this work, taking into account contractual revisions which are certain at that date. In the case of products held in stock at the end of a financial year, expenditure not incurred at that date with a view to their subsequent sale may not, at the end of that financial year, be taken into account for the valuation of these products in application of the provisions of article 38.3, nor be the subject of a provision for loss.
The depreciation of works of art entered in the assets of a company may give rise to the constitution of a provision. This depreciation must be established by an expert approved by the courts when the acquisition cost of the work exceeds €7,600.
A decree sets the rules according to which provisions for price fluctuations may be deducted from the profits of companies whose business consists essentially of the direct processing of raw materials acquired on international markets or raw materials acquired on national territory and whose prices are closely linked to variations in international prices.
For companies whose main purpose is to have crude oil undergo primary processing in France, the amount of the provision for price fluctuations may not exceed 69% of the maximum limit of the provision calculated in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. Any excess of the provision previously set aside over the new maximum limit calculated at the end of the first financial year to which it applies is deducted from the taxable profits for that year. These provisions apply to the determination of results for financial years ending on or after 24 September 1975.
The provisions of the third and fourth paragraphs cease to apply to the determination of results for financial years ending on or after 31 December 1997. The provisions for price fluctuations recorded in the balance sheet at the start of the first financial year ending on or after that date shall be deducted in equal fractions from the taxable income for that year and the two following years.
However, the provisions of the last sentence of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the amount of the provisions referred to in the same sentence which are transferred, at the close of the first financial year ending on or after 31 December 1997, to a special reserve account. The sums entered in this reserve may not exceed €9,146,941.
Sums deducted from the reserve referred to in the previous paragraph are added back to the results for the financial year in progress at the time of deduction. However, this provision does not apply:
a) If the company is dissolved;
b) If the reserve is incorporated into the capital; in the event of a capital reduction before the end of the fifth year following the year in which the reserve was incorporated into the capital, the sums which have been incorporated into the capital are carried forward to the results for the financial year during which this reduction takes place. The amount of the write-back is, if applicable, limited to the amount of this reduction;
c) In the event of losses being charged to the special reserve, the losses thus cancelled cease to be carried forward.
Subject to the provisions of the fourteenth paragraph, companies may, with regard to price changes after 30 June 1959, set aside a tax-free provision for price increases when, for a given material or product, a price increase of more than 10% is recorded over a period not exceeding two successive financial years ending after that date. The amount of the allocation to this provision may not exceed 15 million euros per twelve-month period, in respect of each financial year, increased, where applicable, by a fraction equal to 10% of the allocation to this provision determined under the conditions set out in the previous sentence. However, for companies whose average stock rotation period, weighted by materials and products, is greater than one year, the ceiling set in the previous sentence is multiplied by this average period, expressed in months, divided by twelve.
The provision made at the end of a financial year in application of the previous paragraph is automatically added back to the taxable profits of the current financial year at the end of the sixth year following the date of this closure. However, the reintegration into profits may be carried out after the sixth year in professional sectors where the normal stock rotation period is more than three years. In the latter case, companies will make the reintegration within a period double that of the normal rotation of stocks.
A decree sets out the terms and conditions for the application of the two preceding paragraphs.
Materials, products or supplies existing in stock at the close of each financial year and which may give rise to the establishment of the provision for price fluctuations provided for in the third paragraph do not give entitlement to the provision for price increases.
Provisions which, in whole or in part, are used for a purpose other than that for which they were intended or become irrelevant in the course of a subsequent financial year are carried forward to the results of that financial year. Where the report has not been made by the company itself, the tax authorities may make the necessary adjustments as soon as they find that the provisions have become irrelevant. By way of derogation, the provision set aside in respect of goodwill, the depreciation of which is allowed as a deduction pursuant to the third paragraph of 2° of 1 of this article, is carried forward to the taxable results of each of the financial years following that in respect of which it was deducted, for an amount equal to the difference between the depreciation that would have been applied if the provision had not been recorded and the depreciation actually recorded at the close of the financial year.
As an exception to the provisions of the first and fifteenth paragraphs, the provision for depreciation that may result from the valuation of the portfolio is subject to the tax regime for long-term capital losses defined in 2 of I of article 39 quindecies; if it subsequently becomes irrelevant, it is included in the long-term capital gains for the financial year, as referred to in 1 of I of article 39 quindecies. However, for financial years commencing on or after 1 January 1974, a provision may only be booked against participating interests if it can be shown that there has been a real depreciation in relation to the cost price. For the purposes of the preceding sentence, shares in companies which are considered to be participating interests for accounting purposes are deemed to be such investments. The same applies to shares acquired pursuant to a public tender or exchange offer by the company initiating the offer, as well as to securities qualifying for the parent company regime provided that they hold at least 5% of the voting rights of the issuing company, if these shares or securities are recorded in the accounts in the equity securities account or in a special subdivision of another balance sheet account corresponding to their accounting classification.
Provisions for depreciation, in respect of the aforementioned securities and shares, previously booked will be carried forward to the results of subsequent financial years up to the amount of provisions of the same nature booked at the close of each of these financial years or, where applicable, to the results of the financial year of disposal.
However, allocations to provisions for depreciation booked in respect of the financial year for all of the equity interests defined in the seventeenth paragraph are not deductible up to the amount of unrealised capital gains existing at the end of the same financial year for the interests belonging to this group. For the purposes of applying the provisions of the previous sentence, unrealised capital gains, which are defined as the difference between the actual value of these securities at the end of the financial year and their cost price adjusted for deferred capital gains or losses on these same securities, are reduced by the amount of provisions not allowed as a deduction in respect of previous financial years in application of the same sentence and not yet taken into income at the end of the financial year. The amount of these non-deductible provisions is allocated to each participating interest for which provisions have been set aside in proportion to the provisions booked for that interest during the financial year. This paragraph applies only to shares in companies with a preponderance of real estate assets as defined in a sexies-0 bis of the I of Article 219 for the purposes of determining income for financial years commencing on or after 1 January 2007.
Allocations to provisions not allowed as a deduction in respect of a financial year and allocated to a shareholding pursuant to the previous paragraph are deducted from the amount of provisions for depreciation on this share reported in income for subsequent financial years.
The depreciation of securities lent under the conditions provided for in Article L. 211-22 of the Monetary and Financial Code may not give rise, on the part of the lender or the borrower, to the constitution of a provision. Similarly, the lender may not set aside a provision for impairment of the claim representing these securities;
The impairment of financial securities that are the subject of a repurchase agreement under the conditions provided for by articles L. 211-27 to L. 211-34 of the Monetary and Financial Code, may not give rise, on the part of the transferee, to the creation of a tax-deductible provision.
The depreciation in value of securities that are pledged as collateral under the conditions provided for in Article 38 bis-0 A bis may not give rise to the creation of a tax-deductible provision. Similarly, the grantor may not deduct a provision for depreciation of the receivable representing these securities.
As an exception to the provisions of the sixteenth paragraph, any provision set aside by a company to cover the depreciation of a holding in a subsidiary located abroad is only recognised for tax purposes for the fraction of its amount that exceeds the sums deducted pursuant to the provisions of article 39 octies A and not included in the company’s income. This provision applies for the determination of the results of the financial years opened as from 1 January 1988.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph are also applicable to the fraction of the amount of the provision for depreciation mentioned in this paragraph, which exceeds the sums deducted pursuant to Article 39 octies D; this provision applies for the determination of the results of the financial years opened as from 1 January 1992.
Any provision set aside to cover the depreciation of non-depreciable assets received in the course of a transaction placed under one of the regimes provided for in the articles mentioned in II of Article 54 septies or revalued under the conditions provided for in Article 238 bis JB, is determined by reference to the tax value of the assets for which the items received were substituted or that of the revalued assets.
The provision set aside by the company to meet the obligation to renew a depreciable asset that it operates is deductible, at the end of the financial year, up to the limit of the difference between the estimated replacement cost of this asset at the end of the same financial year and its initial cost price, affected by a progressive coefficient. This coefficient is equal to the quotient of the number of years the asset has been in use since it was brought into service over its total period of use.
Allocations to the provision referred to in the twenty-seventh paragraph are not deductible if they are made after the expiry of the renewal plan in force on 15 September 1997 or, for assets brought into service after that date, after the expiry of the initial renewal plan.
The fraction of the renewal provision duly set aside, appearing in the balance sheet of the last financial year closed before 31 December 1997 and which, at the close of subsequent financial years, is greater than the amount determined in application of the twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth paragraphs and has not been used, is not carried forward to the profit or loss of these financial years, subject to the provisions of the fifteenth paragraph.
When the asset to be renewed is not subject to deductible depreciation allowances for the determination of the company’s taxable income, the initial cost price of the asset is retained at a nil value.
In the event that this renewal obligation is placed on a third party, the provisions of the twenty-seventh to thirtieth paragraphs are applicable to the third party.
Provisions for redundancy payments made in order to meet charges relating to redundancies for economic reasons are not deductible from the results of financial years ending on or after 15 October 1997. Provisions for redundancy payments set aside for this purpose and recorded in the balance sheet at the start of the first financial year ending on or after 15 October 1997 are deducted from the taxable income for that year.
Provisions set aside to cover the foreign exchange risk relating to loans subject, by option, to the provisions set out in the fourth paragraph of section 4 of article 38 are not deductible from taxable income.
The total amount of allocations to provisions not allowed as a deduction in respect of the financial year in application of the preceding paragraph is deducted from the total amount of provisions for depreciation of investment properties reported in the income statement for subsequent financial years.
6° La contribution sociale de solidarité mentionnée à l’article L. 137-30 du code de la sécurité sociale et la taxe d’aide au commerce et à l’artisanat issue de the amended Article 3 of Law no. 72-657 of 13 July 1972 instituting measures in favour of certain categories of elderly traders and craftsmen;
6° bis The tax on physical video and online broadcasting of audiovisual content mentioned in Article 1609 sexdecies B of this code;
7° Expenditure incurred in connection with events of a philanthropic, educational, scientific, social, humanitarian, sporting, family or cultural nature or contributing to the enhancement of the artistic heritage, the defence of the natural environment or the dissemination of French culture, language and scientific knowledge, when incurred in the direct interest of the operation;
8° Debt waivers of a commercial nature granted or supported as part of a safeguard or recovery plan as well as those granted in application of an agreement recorded or approved under the conditions provided for in article L. 611-8 of the French Commercial Code;
9° Debt waivers of rent and ancillary items relating to buildings leased to a company that is at arm’s length from the lessor within the meaning of 12 of this article granted between 15 April 2020 and 31 December 2021, in their entirety.
2. Financial sanctions and penalties of any kind imposed on those who breach legal obligations are not deductible from profits subject to tax.
The same applies to the payment in full discharge provided for in Article L. 221-4 of the Energy Code.
2 bis. As from the entry into force in the territory of the Republic of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, sums paid or advantages granted, directly or through intermediaries, for the benefit of a public official within the meaning of Article 1(4) of the said Convention or a third party for that official to act or refrain from acting in the performance of official duties, with a view to obtaining or retaining a contract or other undue advantage in international business transactions, shall not be allowed as a deduction from profits subject to tax.
3. The lump-sum allowances that a company allocates to its managers or executives for representation and travel expenses are excluded from its deductible expenses for the tax base when these expenses already include the usual expenses of this nature reimbursed to the persons concerned.
For the application of this provision, managers are understood, in partnerships and joint ventures that have not opted for the tax regime for capital companies, to mean the partners in name and the members of these companies.
4. Whether they are borne directly by the company or in the form of lump-sum allowances or reimbursements of expenses, the following are excluded from deductible expenses for tax purposes: on the one hand, expenses and charges of any kind relating to hunting and non-professional fishing and, on the other hand, the charges, with the exception of those of a social nature, resulting from the purchase, rental or any other transaction carried out with a view to obtaining the disposal of pleasure or leisure residences, as well as the upkeep of these residences; the expenses and charges thus defined include in particular depreciation.
Unless justified, the provisions of the first paragraph are applicable:
1° To the depreciation of passenger vehicles within the meaning of article L. 421-2 of the code of taxes on goods and services for the fraction of their acquisition price that exceeds €18,300:
a) For vehicles registered using the WLTP method of determining carbon dioxide emissions within the meaning of article L. 421-6 of the Goods and Services Tax Code, the sum mentioned in the first paragraph of this 1° is:
-30,000 € if their carbon dioxide emissions are less than 20 grams per kilometre;
-€20,300 if their carbon dioxide emissions are greater than or equal to 20 grams and less than 50 grams per kilometre;
-9,900 if their carbon dioxide emissions are greater than 165 grams for those acquired before 1 January 2021 and 160 grams for those acquired from this date.
b) For other vehicles, the sum mentioned in the first paragraph of this 1° is €30,000 if emissions are less than 20 grams per kilometre and €20,300 if carbon dioxide emissions are greater than or equal to 20 grams and less than 60 grams per kilometre.
It is reduced to €9,900 when carbon dioxide emissions are greater than:
-155 grams per kilometre, for those acquired between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2017;
-150 grams per kilometre, for those acquired between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018 ;
-140 grams per kilometre, for those acquired between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019;
-135 grams per kilometre, for those acquired between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020;
-130 grams per kilometre, for those acquired from 1 January 2021.
2° In the case of leasing or rental transactions, with the exception of short-term rentals not exceeding three non-renewable months, involving passenger vehicles within the meaning of Article L. 421-2 of the code of taxes on goods and services, to the portion of the rent borne by the lessee and corresponding to the depreciation applied by the lessor for the fraction of the acquisition price of the vehicle that exceeds the limits determined in accordance with a.
3° Expenses of any kind resulting from the purchase, rental or any other transaction carried out with a view to obtaining the disposal of yachts or sailing or motor pleasure boats as well as their maintenance; depreciation is considered to be part of these expenses.
The fraction of the depreciation of passenger vehicles within the meaning of article L. 421-2 of the code of taxes on goods and services excluded from deductible expenses by the above limitations is nevertheless retained for the determination of capital gains or losses resulting from the subsequent sale of the vehicles thus depreciated.
The provisions of the first paragraph do not apply to expenses incurred for operating purposes and resulting from the purchase, rental or maintenance of historic residences classified or listed as historic monuments, residences serving as the company’s address or registered office pursuant to articles L. 123-10 and L. 123-11-1 of the French Commercial Code, or residences forming an integral part of a production facility and used to receive customers.
5. The following expenses are also deductible:
a. Direct and indirect remuneration, including reimbursements of expenses paid to the highest paid persons;
b. Travel expenses incurred by these persons;
c. Expenses and charges relating to vehicles and other property they may have at their disposal away from their business premises;
d. Expenses and charges of any kind relating to buildings not allocated to the business;
e. Gifts of any kind, with the exception of objects of low value specially designed for advertising purposes;
f. Reception expenses, including restaurant and entertainment expenses.
For the application of these provisions, the highest paid persons are understood to mean, depending on whether or not the number of employees exceeds 200, the ten or five persons whose direct or indirect remuneration was the highest during the financial year.
The expenses listed above may also be reintegrated into taxable profits insofar as they are excessive and proof has not been provided that they were incurred in the direct interest of the company.
When they increase in a proportion greater than that of taxable profits or their amount exceeds that of such profits, the administration may ask the company to justify that they are necessary for its management.
5 bis. The deferred remuneration referred to in 4° of Article L. 22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code is deductible from net profit up to a limit of three times the annual social security ceiling per beneficiary.
6. (obsolete).
7. Expenses incurred for bookkeeping and, where applicable, for membership of an approved management centre are not taken into account when determining taxable income when they are borne by the State as a result of the tax reduction referred to in Article 199 quater B.
8. If a business, a craft business or one of their non-depreciable intangible elements or shares in commercial companies that are not traded on a regulated market are leased under the conditions provided for in 3 or in 4 of article L. 313-7 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, the share of rent taken into account in setting the agreed sale price for acceptance of the unilateral undertaking to sell is not deductible for the purposes of the income tax due by the lessee. It must be indicated separately in the leasing contract.
A decree sets out the terms of application of these provisions, in particular the reporting obligations.
9. Paid holiday pay corresponding to rights acquired during the neutralised period defined below, calculated in accordance with the conditions set out in articles L. 3141-24 to L. 3141-27 of the French Labour Code, is not deductible. This neutralised period is that used to calculate the allowance relating to rights acquired and unused at the start of the first financial year ending on or after 31 December 1987; its duration may not be less than that of the period of acquisition of unused paid leave rights at the end of this financial year. The indemnity corresponding to the latter rights is considered as deducted for tax purposes.
These provisions apply to the social security and tax charges attached to these indemnities.
A decree sets out the procedures for applying this 9.
10. If a building is leased under the conditions provided for in 2 of Article L. 313-7 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the share of the rental payments taken into account to determine the sale price of the building at the end of the contract and relating to non-depreciable items is not deductible from the lessee’s taxable income.
However, for transactions involving buildings completed after 31 December 1995 and allocated primarily for office use falling within the scope of the tax provided for in Article 231 ter, other than those located in regional aid zones and urban regeneration zones, defined in A du 3 de l’article 42 de la loi n° 95-115 du 4 février 1995 d’orientation pour l’aménagement et le développement du territoire, the share of the rent taken into account to determine the sale price of the building at the end of the contract is deductible from the lessee’s taxable income only up to the limit of the costs of acquiring the building and the depreciation that the lessee would have been able to apply if it had owned the property covered by the contract.
For the purposes of the first paragraph, the rent is deemed to be allocated to the financing of the various items in the following order:
a. First to the costs incurred by the lessor in acquiring the property;
b. Then to depreciable items;
c. Finally to the non-depreciable items.
For the application of the first and second paragraphs, the price agreed for the sale of the property at the end of the contract is deemed to be allocated in priority to the sale price of the non-depreciable items.
When the property is not acquired at the end of the contract or when the leasing contract is terminated, the non-deductible portions of the rental payments provided for in the first and second paragraphs are allowed as a deduction from taxable income.
When the leasing contract is sold, the non-deductible rental portions are considered as an element of the cost price of the contract for the calculation of the capital gain under the conditions of article 39 duodecies A.
11. (Expired)
12. Ties of dependence are deemed to exist between two undertakings:
a-when one directly or through an intermediary holds the majority of the share capital of the other or in fact exercises decision-making power therein;
b-when both are placed, under the conditions defined in a, under the control of the same third undertaking.
(Paragraph disjoined).
12 bis. (Repealed)
12 ter. Royalties for the granting of licences to exploit intellectual property rights paid to an affiliated company within the meaning of 12 which is not, in respect of the current financial year, subject to income tax or corporation tax at an effective rate of at least 25% in respect of the same royalties, are excluded from deductible expenses for the purposes of determining the tax up to a fraction of their amount. This fraction is equal to the amount of the royalties multiplied by the ratio between, in the numerator, the difference between 25% and the effective tax rate to which the royalties were subject and, in the denominator, 25%.
Where the royalties referred to in the first paragraph of this 12 ter are paid to a company which has taken on the concession, directly or through affiliated companies within the meaning of 12, the rights referred to in the first paragraph of this 12 ter from a company to which it is affiliated within the meaning of 12, the conditions for deductibility of these royalties are assessed with regard to their effective tax rate recorded at the level of the latter company.
The first two paragraphs of this 12 ter apply when the company at the level of which the effective tax rate of the royalties is assessed:
1° Is established in a State that is neither a member of the European Union nor a party to the agreement on the European Economic Area;
2° And benefits, in respect of the royalties mentioned in the first paragraph, from a tax regime considered harmful by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
13. Aid of any kind granted to another company, with the exception of aid of a commercial nature, is excluded from deductible expenses for tax purposes.
The first paragraph does not apply to aid granted pursuant to an agreement recorded or approved under the conditions provided for in Article L. 611-8 of the French Commercial Code or to aid granted to companies for which safeguard, receivership or compulsory liquidation proceedings have been initiated.
The aid referred to in the second paragraph which is not of a commercial nature is deductible up to the amount of the negative net worth of the company which benefits from it and, for the amount exceeding this negative net worth, in proportion to the shareholdings held by persons other than the company which grants the aid.
This 13 does not apply to the debt write-offs referred to in 9° of 1 of this article.