When the committee gives a favourable opinion, it proposes to the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée that aid be granted in principle.
When it appears that the characteristics of the project presented so require :
1° The reading committees may postpone their opinion and, where appropriate, propose to the Chairman of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée that the project be tutored by a member of the reading committee with a view to rewriting the screenplay;
2° The commission may postpone its opinion and, where appropriate, propose to the Chairman of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée the award of aid for screenplay rewriting in the form of a grant under the conditions set out in sub-section 2. In this case, it may be decided that the project will be tutored by a member of a reading committee or the commission;
3° The reading committee or commission may defer its opinion and, if appropriate, propose to the President of the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée the principle of granting aid for script rewriting in the form of a residency grant under the conditions set out in sub-section 2;
4° The reading committee or commission may defer its opinion and propose that the project be reworked.
In all cases, the application for pre-production production support is re-examined for an opinion by the advisory body that proposed one of the procedures set out in 1° to 4°, at the end of this procedure.