The public prosecutor or the judicial police officer or, under the latter’s control, the judicial police officer or, in the case provided for in 3° of Article 21-3, the investigation assistant may, by any means, request any person, any private or public establishment or body or any public administration likely to hold information relevant to the investigation, including, subject to Article 60-1-2, those from a computer system or processing of nominative data, to hand over this information, in particular in digital form, where applicable in accordance with standards laid down by regulation, without the obligation of professional secrecy being invoked against them without legitimate reason. When the requisitions concern persons mentioned in Articles 56-1 to 56-5, the information may only be handed over with their agreement.
With the exception of the persons mentioned in Articles 56-1 to 56-5, failure to respond to this requisition as soon as possible and if necessary in accordance with the required standards is punishable by a fine of 3,750 euros.
On pain of nullity, evidence obtained by a request made in violation of Article 2 of the law of 29 July 1881 on the freedom of the press may not be added to the file.