The courts referred to in Article 697 based in Paris also have jurisdiction to hear crimes and offences committed outside the territory of the Republic by members of the French armed forces or against them in the cases provided for in the Chapter I of Title II of Book I of the Code of Military Justice. In addition, one or more magistrates assigned to the panels of the Paris correctional court specialising in military matters shall be responsible, by order of the president of the judicial court, for judging offences committed in these circumstances.
The president of the Paris judicial court and the public prosecutor at this court shall designate, respectively, one or more investigating judges and public prosecutors with special responsibility for investigating, prosecuting and investigating the offences referred to in the first paragraph.
>The president of the Paris judicial court and the public prosecutor at this court shall designate, respectively, one or more investigating judges and public prosecutors with special responsibility for investigating, prosecuting and investigating the offences referred to in the first paragraph.