As an exception to the provisions of this Title, where a notice, summons or receipt is sent by the court registry to a party by any means, by ordinary letter or by registered letter without acknowledgement of receipt, it may be sent to the party by electronic means on the Ministry of Justice’s “Portal for litigants”, provided that the party has given its prior consent.
The declaration by which a party consents to the use of electronic means must include his or her e-mail address and mobile telephone number, and the party must notify the court of any changes to these details.
The party will be alerted to any new information concerning the use of electronic means.
The party is alerted to any new communication by a notice of availability sent to the electronic address indicated by the party, indicating the date and, where applicable, the time of availability.
The technical procedures used must guarantee, under conditions laid down by order of the Minister for Justice, the reliable identification of the parties to the electronic communication, the integrity of the documents sent, the security and confidentiality of the exchanges, the preservation of the transmissions made and enable the date of sending to be established with certainty.