The convicts who are in a state of legal recidivism, those who, after having obtained the rehabilitation, incurred a new sentence, those who, condemned contradictorily or by contumacy to a criminal sentence, prescribed against the execution of the sentence, are admitted to ask for their rehabilitation only after a period of ten years elapsed since their release or since the prescription.
However, repeat offenders who have not served any criminal sentence and rehabilitated offenders who have only incurred a correctional sentence are eligible to apply for rehabilitation after a period of six years has elapsed since their release.
Also eligible to apply for rehabilitation, after a period of six years has elapsed since the statute of limitations expired, are those convicted in adversary proceedings or in absentia to a correctional sentence who have statute of limitations against the enforcement of the sentence.
Court convicts, convicts in absentia or convicts in absentia, who have prescribed against the execution of the sentence, are required, in addition to the conditions that are going to be set out, to justify that they have not incurred, during the prescription periods, any conviction for acts qualified as crimes or misdemeanours and that they have behaved irreproachably.